Where Are We?

Pick a map style from the links below.

Maps should open in a new window.


Street map style, showing Paterson Rd, Springwood

You can use this map to find directions;
You can also zoom in and out using the zoom control on the right.


Satellite map showing features of the Lower Blue Mountains

Not that useful to find where we are, but pretty cool!


Timetable & Vacancies

We teach morning, after-school and evening classes.
Please call on
4751-6196 for an appointment.


Legal Stuff

This site was designed & programmed by S.A.Walter, 
and is ©2007 Stephens Music & Computers / S.A.Walter.

The use of images, text, music scores, backings or acrobat files 
without permission is illegal.

Material noted as 'free to download' cannot be used for
commercial purposes, or by other music teachers (write your own!).

See our legal page for more details

This web page was created on 20 January 2007
Last updated
22 November 2007